The Palms of Boracay: Where to stay in Boracay (Splurge Option)

“I have bad news for you.”

That was the first thing I said to Doyzkie as soon as I opened the door. He was standing best outside the door, his finger still pressed to the doorbell. He had barely entered the suite, and I was already bombarding him with negativities.

“What?” គាត់​បាន​សួរ។

“We’re sharing a bed,” I answered. “A matrimonial bed.”

“Naaah, I don’t mind,” he dismissed. “May I enter now?”

I opened the door to the suite wider, moved aside, and gave way. Doyzkie pointed to the room at the end of the hall and flashed a look asking me if that was the bed. I followed him as he settled down, opening the closet and shoving his bag into it.

“I don’t mind sharing the bed. No problem,” he said.

“I snore,” I sheepishly admitted in the form of a barely comprehensible mumble.

គាត់​បាន​សើច។ “វា​មិន​អី​ទេ! Don’t worry.”

“ទេ​ទេ។ You don’t understand. I SNORE!”

“Let’s have lunch,” he dismissed as he made his way to the kitchen. Doyzkie and I were two of the numerous bloggers invited by Tattoo to the launch of their new site in Boracay.


Rooms and Rates
Design and Architecture

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All of us were housed at The Palms of Boracay, situated in station 1 at the north end of the popular White beach in Boracay. While this side of the island is the most popular of all its beaches, the Palms is tucked in the much more quiet corner, far from the busy and crazy stations 2 and 3.

The hotel is several yards away from the beach. If you’re checking in here, don’t expect that you’d see the shore best after you made it past the gate. You’ll have to walk a little, about five minutes if I estimated right. That’s the downside. The upside, you’re away from all the noise. If you’re the type who loves silence and being alone in a paradise, then you’ll love it.

Station 1, Boracay.
Rooms and Rates

Unlike many hotels, the Palms offer two types of accommodations only — studio suites and family suites. The one assigned to us was a family suite with two bedrooms: a twin room and a double room. It was really developed for a family of four: the double room is ideal for the parents and the twin room for the kids. There was also a kitchen and dining area, a living area with a flat-screen TV, and a spacious glass-walled toilet and bath with a tub. The double room, which serves as the master’s bedroom, has a study table and a small balcony. Unfortunately, the view we had was nothing special. but the room itself was phenomenal. It was big, tidy, and absolutely quiet.

Double bedroom at The Palms of Boracay, station 1
Twin bedroom at The Palms of Boracay, station 1
Toilet and bath
Here are the rates as of August 23, 2012:

Studio Suite

High season (01 Nov. 2012 – 31 may 2013): PhP 9,000
Lean season (01 June 2012 – 31 Oct. 2012): PhP 7,200

2-Bedroom Suite

High season (01 Nov. 2012 – 31 may 2013): PhP 15,000
Lean season (01 June 2012 – 31 Oct. 2012): PhP 12,000

For list of inclusions, policies, and terms, check out their official site here.

Design and Architecture

The Palms of Boracay harbors three buildings: two hotel buildings and a restaurant. just beside the restaurant lies a pool, open to all guests for free. We went to Boracay at the time when there was an overgrowth of algae at the beach and news of e-Coli infection broke on TV, and some of us were so scared to swim in the sea so we settled with the pool on our first two days.

The Palms of Boracay hotel and restaurant
Pool area
English breakfast at the Palms of Boracay Restaurant
The hotel was developed by Therese Yupangco, a popular architect in the country, using Mindanao as the inspiration. According to the hotel’s Facebook page, “This can be seen in the fantastic architectural features of the roofing system and the colour schemes and also in the original and antique art work and craft examples that are showcased in the rooms, corridors and lounges.”

On the far end of the hotel grounds is a slope on top of which stands a small hut, available through a steep concrete staircase that extends from the pool area. Fringed with turf and flowering plants, the stairway allows a good view of station 1.

Stairway to a viewpoint
Small little flowers
View from the top

The service was commendable. The staff were all very friendly, approchable, and helpful. When we called for lunch, the delivery was quick and we encountered no problems about our food. When we had questions, we would just call the reception and we’d get suitable and satisfying answers. There was an instance where I returned to the hotel to get something but completely forgot that the essential was not with me. one of the staff passed by and I asked him if it would be possible for me to get in. After taking my name and other details, he went down — we were on the third floor — to get another essential and open the door for me. ខុ្ញបុរិសបានរកឃើញខ្លួនឯងជាច្រើនដងចែករំលែកការសន្ទនាដ៏រីករាយជាមួយបុគ្គលិក (អំពីជីវិតកោះក្តីសុបិន្តរបស់ពួកគេអ្នកល្បីល្បាញដែលចូលចិត្តហាហា) ។


បាតដៃរបស់ Boracay ស្ថានីយ៍ 1
ការស្នាក់នៅរយៈពេល 3 ថ្ងៃ 2 យប់របស់យើងនៅបាតដៃ Boracay មានផាសុកភាពនិងទទួលបានរង្វាន់។ សេវាកម្មនេះពិតជាអស្ចារ្យអាហារដ៏អស្ចារ្យនិងបន្ទប់ធំទូលាយ។ ខណៈដែលអ្នកផ្សេងទៀតប្រហែលជាមិនចូលចិត្តទីតាំងនោះវាល្អសម្រាប់ប្រភេទដែលនៅតែមានប្រាថ្នាចង់បានសន្តិភាពនិងស្ងាត់។ ហើយសន្តិភាពនិងស្ងាត់មិត្តរួមបន្ទប់របស់ខ្ញុំ Doyzkie មិនបានទទួលបានទេ។

នៅព្រឹកបន្ទាប់និយាយថា “អ្នកកំពុងប្រគុំតន្រ្តីកាលពីយប់មិញ” ។ “អ្នកពិតជា”

“តើវាអាក្រក់ទេ?” ខ្ញុំ​បាន​សួរ។

“វាជាការប្រគុំតន្ត្រី! ការ​ប្រ​គុំ​តន្ត្រី!” យើងសើចនិយាយអំពីរបៀបដែលវាមានរឿងគួរឱ្យស្អប់ខ្ពើម។ គាត់មិនអាចនិយាយថាខ្ញុំមិនបានប្រព្រឹត្តប្រហារជីវិតគាត់ទេ។

បាតដៃរបស់ Boracay
ស្ថានីយ៍ទី 1 កោះ Boracay, 5608 ម៉ាឡេ, Aklan
(036) 288 4762



10 យ៉ាងដែលធ្វើឱ្យ Boracay ពិសេស: Aklan ប្រទេសហ្វីលីពីន

Boracay បន្ទាប់ពីងងឹត: រសជាតិនៃការរាត្រីកោះ

អាម៉ាហានហូម (គ្រែនិងអាហារពេលព្រឹក): កន្លែងដែលត្រូវស្នាក់នៅបូរ៉ាកានៅប្រទេសហ្វីលីពីន

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